The steps are:

  • add alpine.js to head section of your HTML
  • create loop data
  • get data on template
  • loop and show data

Create Loop Data

Make a function inside a script tag just above the </body> tag

  function theData() {
    return {
      produk: [
          name: "Boaty McBoatface",
          price: "$300.000",
          name: "WD-40",
          price: "$45.000",
          name: "Bugs for lyfe",
          price: "$105.000",

Get Data to HTML

We need to make it available on the HTML. Use x-data from alpine.js to get the produk list above

<div x-data="theData()">
  <!-- This wil make the arry of produk available inside this div -->

x-data will make all data and function(behaviour) inside theData() function available inside the div scope

Loop it and print

<div x-data="produk()">
  <!-- This wil make the arry of produk available inside this div -->
    <div x-for="item in produk">
      <h1 x-text=""></h1>
      <h4 x-text="item.price"></h4>

x-for –> will iterate the produk property inside that available from the x-data scope

<template> –> x-for MUST use this tag. Couldn’t use standard HTML tags

x-text –> will update innerText of an element

Use Case

I use this to create a list of product when create an e-commerce template because creating template means that we need to change the HTML and CSS constantly. Previously there are only full blown templating engine included on a web framework or need a more complicated setup.

Using alpine.js is much more simple.