File conventions, function naming conventions, how to separate test to test cases, send output (fmt.Println-ish), mark the test as fail

Setting Up Test in Golang

1. Where to put and How to Name Test class

Golang have specific way to create test classes.

where to put? in the same directory as the file we want to test

naming convention: filename_test.go


|- hello
    |- Greeting.go
    |- Greeting_test.go

2. How to test a function

The name of your test function have a relationship with function name on your actual code. The template is the <functionName>Test.go and has one parameter (t *testing.T){}

To test this function from Greeting.go,

# hello/Greeting.go
func Hello(){
    fmt.Println("hello there")

create this

# hello/Greeting_test.go
func TestHello(t *testing.T){
    fmt.Println("hello there")

3. how to separate each test case

Use t.Run(description, callback)

# hello/Greeting_test.go
func TestHello(t *testing.T){
    # test case  1
    t.Run("can call Hello()", func(t *testing.T){
    # test case  2
    t.Run("warn when the param is empty", func(t *testing.T){
    # test case n
    # ...

4. helper function when testing a method

When there’s repetition, we DRY it by creating function. But golang could not create function inside function(nested function). The solution is to create variable with type of function

func TestHello(t *testing.T){
    callApi := func(URL string, params string) (string, errors){
        # ...
        return var, err
    # ...

5. Show Output

Print output and continue the test

t.Logf("string with param %v %d", a, b)

Mark current test or t.Run(...) as fail and on to next test

t.Errorf("string with param %v %d", a, b)


Golang’s standard library does not have assertions, check out this library if you need assertion