Create Docker containers for Laravel, MySQL, and PhpMyAdmin without fiddling with Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.

Why Laradock

  • it is faster compared to creating your own dockerfile & docker-compose.yml
  • no need to know about how docker works. You just edit some files


  • you know docker concept
  • you have docker and docker-compose installed already
  • this tutorial is tested on linux

Create Laravel Project or Use Already Made Project

From laravel documentation page:

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
cd example-app

Add Laradock

To add laradock is simple. Clone it inside your laravel project

Because we already go inside the app, next step is clone laradock

git clone

Wait until its done cloning. Then your directory structure should be like this

|- example-app
  |- app
  |- artisan
  |- bootstrap
  |- composer.json
  |- laradock        <-- this is the laradock directory

Set Up

1. Configure Laradock Via .env

This .env file is the configuration of laradock. What we will configure here:

  • which php version should we use
  • which MySQL version should we use
  • MySQL username, password, & port
  • where volume data will be stored at
  • container prefix. Laradock would create a few containers, a prefix would differentiate between different project container

copy env-example file inside laradock to .env

cp env-example .env

Change this values inside the .env

# Which directory to store volume data
DATA_PATH_HOST = ~/.laradock/data/example-app

# Prefix for the containers

# PHP version

# MySQL setting & credential

That is it for this file.

2. Use Custom Domain To Access Our App

We wil make it so that when we access example.local from our browser, it will redirect to our laravel application using Apache2.

Edit app\laradock\apache2\sites\default.apache.conf. The file already exists

ServerName example.local
DocumentRoot /var/www/public/
<Directory "/var/www/public/">
  • ServerName example.local. Pass request to our app when theres request to example.local
  • DocumentRoot /var/www/public. Specify where the content is located. /var/www is the default apache location for application directory. Laradock copy our app directory here when creating container. /public dir have index.php is the entry point for Laravel application.

NOTE: When changing config, always build the container again (docker-compose build apache2)

3. Build Docker Containers

The configuration is ready, now we could create docker containers for our application.

Run this command from laradock directory.

docker-compose up -d phpmyadmin mysql apache2

This command will build container for Apache2, MySQL, and PhpMyAdmin (or skip it if already exists). This is the output

Starting example-app_mysql_1            ... done
Starting example-app_docker-in-docker_1 ... done
Starting example-app_workspace_1        ... done
Starting example-app_phpmyadmin_1       ... done
Starting example-app_php-fpm_1          ... done
Starting example-app_apache2_1          ... done

Always specify which container you want to build/run, if not laradock will build all available images on laradock

4. Redirect Request to example.local To Our Application

The application is ready to serve our requests. But if you access example.local, it will try to search for example.local from internet instead of redirecting to our app. To tell our computer to look within itself when there is a request to example.local, we need to add entry to /etc/hosts file and add this at the bottom

...     example.local

Save the file and try access the domain again. You should be served with your application

Using Artisan

To use app command line utilities, use it inside your container, NOT on your host computer.

To go to your application container use this command:

docker-compose exec workspace bash

You will be directed to the container at /var/www directory. Right where your app is. Like this


Then you could use artisan command there.

To exit just type exit on the terminal and enter.


Could not access the server

Check if container is created & being run

If you could not access the domain at all, first check if docker-compose could create the containers. The container might stop after successfully created. Use this command

docker container ls

Then check if these containers exist

  • example-app_mysql_1
  • example-app_docker-in-docker_1
  • example-app_workspace_1
  • example-app_phpmyadmin_1
  • example-app_php-fpm_1
  • example-app_apache2_1

Check server access logs

To check if the application server accepting your request, use this command:

docker logs example-app_apache2_1

This command is used to print Apache access logs. Look for HTTP verb like GET, or POST depending on your access like this one

example.local:80 - - [29/Jun/2021:17:08:03 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 3875 "http://example.local" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0"

If you do not see any of it, it means you request haven’t arrived at the docker application. Make sure ServerName in laradock/apache2/sites/default.apache.conf equals to the redirect in /etc/hosts file that you entered before.

Lesson When Using Laradock

  • DATA_PATH_HOST. Always change this to specific location for each laradock. My MySQL data got corrupted because I did not change this path for 2 different MySQL version
  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME. change this to differentiate containers between many laradock installation
  • MYSQL_VERSION. Use 5.7 or lower. Latest MySQL for docker has bugs per this writing


  • Ports; using this setup, there are ports that is being used by laradock. Make sure those ports is free or the container creation would fail. And this port problem leads to
  • One app at a time. When you run this, there will be only one running laradock because of port usage problem above